Thank you for considering Hartley Nature Preschool for the 2024-25 preschool year! Scholarship resources are available to families who need assistance with tuition.
Who should complete this application:
Any family who will already has CCAP and/or ELS funds that will be used for the 2024-25 preschool year
Any family hopes they will have CCAP and/or ELS funds that will be used for the 2024-25 preschool year
Any family who in interested in applying for a Hartley Nature Access Scholarship including families that have a 2023-24 Hartley scholarship.
The Nature Access Fund aims to reduce barriers to Hartley programming by providing scholarship support and reduced fees for field trips, outreach, preschool, and camps.
How to apply:
Click on the grey "register" box below or the red box on the left to continue
Click on the scholarship application form
Proceed through the screens
Hit "Pay Now" to submit your application. There is no cost to apply; the cart will say $0.
You MUST submit proof of participation in a government assistance program and/or proof of income in order for your scholarship application to be complete. Incomplete applications will not be considered for scholarship funds.
General Scholarship Details for the 2024-25 Enrollment Lottery:
Not all details below are relevant for 2024-25 waiting list applicants.
Scholarship applications are prioritized for enrollment in the appropriate wave of the enrollment lottery.
The scholarship application must be submitted by Jan. 31, 2024, to receive priority in the enrollment lottery.
Remember that the enrollment lottery application form and $25 application fee must also be submitted by Jan. 31, 2024, to be considered in the enrollment lottery.
Remember that you MUST submit proof of participation in a government assistance program and/or proof of income in order for your scholarship application to be complete.
Be sure to mark the appropriate box on the application form to indicate that you have applied for a scholarship
Use this scholarship application to apply for a Hartley scholarship and/or to indicate that your child is already receiving CCAP and/or ELS funds that you plan to use at Hartley
Families can apply for and begin using CCAP, ELS, or Hartley scholarships at any point in the enrollment process or during the preschool year. However, Hartley and ELS funds are limited and early application is recommended. Hartley Nature Center scholarship awards are determined by family need, availability of funds, and total number of scholarship requests.
Hartley Nature Access Fund Scholarship Details
A new scholarship application must be submitted for each school year to be considered for a Hartley scholarship
Hartley scholarships are generally 25-50% of tuition based on the family's need
Hartley scholarships are initially applied to the deposit payment only
In order to receive the HNC scholarship rate for the September-April tuition payments, you must submit proof by August 29, 2024, that your family has applied for both the state Early Learning Scholarship (ELS) and St. Louis County Child Care Assistance (CCAP)
See our website for CCAP and ELS contact information.
If your family is ineligible, is denied, or is on a waiting list for ELS or CCAP, the Hartley scholarship will remain in effect
If you do receive an ELS or CCAP award, it will most likely take the place of the Hartley scholarship
Please note that full tuition will be due monthly starting September 1, 2024 and your Hartley scholarship will no longer be in effect if you have not submitted proof of the status of your CCAP and ELS applications
If you are on a waiting list for ELS funds, you may receive a Hartley scholarship until you get ELS funds
We know that applying for scholarships can be complicated and time consuming. We are here to help you with every stage of the scholarship process; call 218-724-6735 or email for help!
If you have a question, comment, or suggestion, please e-mail: Office Manager
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